General terms of use and personal data


The present General Terms of Use (hereinafter "GTU") aim to determine the conditions of access and rules of use for the "Rail Logistics Europe Employment Site" accessible via the following link: Career site

Access to the Site is subject to compliance with these GTU and is strictly reserved for the User as defined below.

The Publisher reserves the right to modify or update these GTU at any time, unilaterally, in light of changes or additions made, especially to comply with any legal, jurisprudential, editorial, and/or technical evolutions as well as any possible modifications to the general terms of use of the Host’s services.

The User must regularly consult the latest version of the GTU available at all times on the Site.

ARTICLE 1 – Definitions

Within these GTU, words or expressions beginning with a capital letter, whether singular or plural, will have the following meaning:

Account: refers to the space created by the User to apply for jobs.

Cookie(s): refers to computer files, stored on the hard disk of the computer or any mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet of the User.

Publisher: SAP SuccessFactors

Host: Safebrands.

Information(s): refers to all information and publications accessible on the Site.

Contribution(s): refers to all comments and/or content that Users may publish on the Site.

Site: Career site

User(s): refers to the candidate accessing the Site regardless of their location and the means of connection.


The Site's purpose is to allow the User to consult job offers, apprenticeships, and internships of the Group but also to create, consult, modify, and delete their candidate account, as well as to apply for job offers, apprenticeships, and internships of the Group.

The Site collects and uses data about you only for the purposes detailed in these GTU.

Any use of the Site will be in compliance with these GTU.


3.1 Access to the Site

Access to the Site is possible from a computer, tablet, or smartphone connected to a telecommunications network according to the communication protocols used on the Internet.

The Publisher grants the User the right to consult, use, and access the Site's Information.

The User is not required to create an account to access the Employment Site. However, to apply for job offers contained and described on the site, they must create a candidate account.

3.2 Cost of Access

Access to the Site is free and does not require a subscription. All software and hardware necessary for the use or operation of the Site, access to the Internet, or communication fees are exclusively the responsibility of the User outside of their place of work.

Each User is entirely responsible for their login data. Unless proven otherwise, any connection to the Site or transmission of data made from the User’s login information will be deemed to have been made by the User.

3.3 Duration of Accessibility

The User's access to the Site is for an indefinite duration, without prejudice to the User's or Publisher's ability to unilaterally terminate at any time, without notice, reason, or compensation.

The User acknowledges that in case of violation of legislative provisions and/or these GTU, the Publisher may block and/or terminate access to the Site without prior notification, with immediate effect.

3.4 Use of the Site and/or Application

The User is specifically prohibited from, but not limited to:

using the Site for commercial purposes and generally offering products and services remunerating them directly or indirectly;

"reselling" or making available to a third party and/or other Users the content of the Site, for a fee and/or free of charge;

using the Site to send, in any form, unsolicited advertising or promotional material;

indirectly or directly directing Users, particularly through hyperlinks, to websites that may not comply with applicable legislation or these GTU.

3.5 Information and Features Offered

The Site offers the User the possibility to:

Consult job offers, apprenticeships, and internships of the Rail Logistics Europe Group;

Create a candidate account and apply for job offers, apprenticeships, internships of the Rail Logistics Europe Group;

Learn about the professions of the Rail Logistics Europe Group.


The Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the case of force majeure or events beyond the control of the Publisher.

The Publisher reserves the right to suspend, interrupt, or limit, without prior notice, access to all or part of the Site, particularly for maintenance operations and updates necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and related equipment, or for any other reason, particularly technical.

The Publisher is not obligated to ensure the availability of the Site. The Publisher is in no way responsible for interruptions and the consequences that may result for the User, especially when interruptions come from those of the Host for maintenance or other needs.

The User is informed that the Publisher may end or modify the characteristics of the Site at any time, without notice, and without the User having recourse against the Publisher.


Users are expressly informed that the content published on the Site is hosted and stored on the server of the company SafeBrands.


6.1 Creation of a candidate account

To apply for job offers, the User must have a candidate account.

Accounts are created by the User. Each User can have only one Account.

If the User provides data that is objectively false, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, the User will be informed that the data in question may affect the recruitment process concerned.

The User is solely responsible for any use that could be made of their passwords and identifiers (email address or others), and is the sole guarantor of their confidentiality, as well as any use of their Account.

6.2 Security

The User undertakes to immediately inform the Publisher of any unauthorized use of their Account, and of any breach of the confidentiality and security of their identification means by sending a message to the following address:

If the Publisher has legitimate reasons to believe that the security of the Site is threatened or that it is misused due to unauthorized use of the User's identification means, it may proceed to temporarily suspend the Account, in particular to preserve the integrity of the Site, and, if appropriate, require the modification of its identification means.

6.3 Deletion of Account

The User is free to delete their Account at any time, as well as in the case where the User loses their password or encounters difficulties in accessing their Account, according to the following procedures:

Within your candidate profile, in the subcategory "Make my profile more visible". By withdrawing your consent, you also delete all of your candidate data.

You can exercise this right by writing an email to: or

By sending a handwritten letter to:

R4L – Human Resources Department – Rail 4 Logistics – 16 rue Simone Veil, 93 400 Saint Ouen Sur Seine

Your request must necessarily include your name, first name, and email address linked to the account to be deleted.

The Publisher reserves the right to deactivate a User's Account after a period of total inactivity of the Account equal to two years. Ten days before a period of total inactivity of the Account lasting two years, a data retention renewal email is sent to the candidate: in case of acceptance, their account is maintained for an additional two-year period; in case of refusal, their account is deleted and their data anonymized.

It is not possible for the User to reactivate a deleted account; the candidate will have to create a new Candidate Account.


The Publisher reserves the right to delete any Contribution that would violate these GTU or that could engage the liability of the Publisher and/or the Host.

The User is responsible for any Contribution they post via the Site as well as its consequences. The Contribution that the User submits, publishes, or displays may be viewed by other Users of the Site. The User should only provide Contributions that they are willing to share with others in accordance with the GTU.

The User agrees to submit truthful information and content to the Publisher.

Furthermore, Contributions must not:

Infringe on intellectual property rights;

Breach the User's professional confidentiality obligations;

Be discriminatory or incite violence or hatred, for reasons of ethnic origin, politics, sexual orientation, etc.;

Contain obscene, pornographic content, etc.;

Compromise the integrity and/or security of the Site, particularly containing viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or any other computer program intended to damage, intercept clandestinely any computer system, data, or personal information;

Be likely to engage the liability of the Publisher and/or the Host by providing hyperlinks pointing towards illegal, counterfeit content, or more broadly, towards content that could infringe upon current laws or regulations or towards sites with access restrictions without the authorization of the right holders on the content.

The User guarantees the Publisher and/or the Host full and free enjoyment of all servitudes of the rights subject to these GTU, against all disturbances, claims, and evictions of any kind.


In general, the User is prohibited from infringing upon the intellectual property rights (copyright, neighboring rights, sui generis right of the database producer, trademark law, domain names...) of the Publisher and/or the Host, and/or any third party.

The Publisher holds all intellectual property rights to both the structure and content of the Site (texts, logos, images, sound elements, software, icons, layout, database...) or has duly acquired the rights allowing the operation of the structure and content of the Site, without any limitations.

Therefore, it is forbidden for the User to copy, reproduce, represent, modify, and/or exploit, transfer in any way and for any purpose, all or part of the structure and content of the Site, except in the case of express, prior, and written authorization from the Publisher.

Any download is strictly prohibited, except with the express permission of the Publisher. Any abusive download that would be noted may result in sanctions deemed appropriate by the Publisher and/or any concerned third party.

Any software download offered by the Host on the Site and/or Application must comply with the Host's terms of use. The User must contact the Publisher before any download to find out if this software is among the services subscribed to by the Publisher from the Host.

The consequences of infringements resulting from any download performed by the User without having informed the Publisher and/or contravening the Host's terms of use are entirely the User's responsibility.

The trademarks and logos reproduced on the Site are registered by the companies that own them with the competent Offices. Any reproduction of names or logos, by any means, without prior authorization from the concerned owner, is prohibited.

Non-compliance with these prohibitions may constitute an act of infringement and/or unfair and parasitic competition, engaging the civil and/or criminal liability of the User.


Users may post hypertext links on the Site or Applications pointing to other intranet/internet sites by any means.

The Publisher reserves the right to delete any hypertext link that would contravene Article 3.4 of these GTU and to hold the Users responsible for this type of link.


The User commits, when using the Site, not to violate current legislative and regulatory provisions, good Internet practices, netiquette, and these GTU.

In general, Rail Logistics Europe disclaims all liability in case of non-compliance with these GTU and its services.

The User is informed that any violation of the provisions of the GTU may lead to legal proceedings and sanctions against them.

Under the same conditions, the User also agrees to respect the internal rules and practices relating to the use of Rail Logistics Europe's information systems and networks.

The User agrees to act diligently to respond to any claim.

The User is responsible towards Rail Logistics Europe and/or third parties for any material or immaterial, direct and/or indirect damage of any nature whatsoever caused by the User and/or their agents in case of non-compliance with the GTU.

The User guarantees Rail Logistics Europe, as well as its parent, sister or affiliated companies, its representatives, employees, partners, and the Host, against any demand, claim, allegation, and/or recourse of any kind, resulting from any violation of said stipulations.

The User will indemnify them, at all times and on first demand, against any damage or against any demand, action, complaint emanating from third parties resulting from any violation of said stipulations.

This guarantee covers any damages and interests that might be paid, whatever their direct or indirect origin, such as attorney fees, expert fees, court costs.

Rail Logistics Europe commits to make its best efforts to implement technical and organizational measures to protect the Information circulating on the Site.

The User, however, declares to be fully informed that the data are not protected against all forms of intrusion, including hacking.

The User acknowledges that it is impossible to guarantee complete security to the data transmitted. Consequently, Rail Logistics Europe cannot be held liable for incidents that could result from this transmission.

It is up to the User to implement all useful means to preserve the confidentiality of the data transmitted.

Each User of the Site expressly commits:

Not to use software or processes intended to copy the Information from the Site without the express and prior authorization of Rail Logistics Europe;

To expressly renounce using software or devices likely to disrupt the proper functioning of the Site, nor to engage in action that would impose a disproportionate burden on the infrastructures of Rail Logistics Europe;

Not to alter or modify or even create derivative works from the Information of the Site without the express and prior consent of Rail Logistics Europe;

Not to proceed with short quotations, analyses, and reproductions intended for press reviews or other expressly authorized uses by law only within the limits and conditions set by the latter and subject to notably citing the authors' names and the source;

Not to extract or reuse, including for private purposes, without written and prior authorization from Rail Logistics Europe, a substantial or non-substantial part of the content of the databases and archives constituted by the Site;

Not to collect information on third parties, including email addresses, in order to use them for sending commercial solicitations or equivalents, or to integrate them within a referencing service or equivalent, free or paid, or even to perform competitive intelligence;

Not to set up systems likely or of nature to hack the Site in whole or in part, or of nature to violate the GTU;

To inform Rail Logistics Europe as soon as they become aware of any attack whatsoever (in particular to the intellectual property rights of Rail Logistics Europe) in particular of any illicit or non-contractual use of the Information of the Site, whatever the mode of distribution used.

The User who publishes a Contribution on the Site acknowledges being personally responsible, both towards third parties and Rail Logistics Europe, in case of violation of applicable legislative or regulatory provisions and guarantees, consequently, SNCF against any disturbance, claim, and eviction of any kind.


All information relating to the processing of Users' personal data is detailed on the Site under the tab "General Terms of Use" in the section "Personal Data Management."


All information related to cookies is available when connecting to the site from the pop-up "cookie management" and from the "Manage cookies" tab located at the bottom of the page.


The User commits, during their use of the Site, not to contravene legislative and regulatory provisions in force, good Intranet and netiquette practices, and these GTU.

The User is informed that any use of the Site in violation of the GTU's provisions may engage their liability and lead to legal proceedings and sanctions against them.

The User guarantees the Publisher, as well as its parent, sister or affiliated companies, its representatives, employees, partners, against any demand, claim, allegation, and/or recourse of any kind, resulting from any violation of said provisions.

Under the same conditions, the User also agrees to respect the internal rules and practices relating to the use of the Publisher's information systems and networks.

The User commits to act diligently to respond to any claims.

The Publisher commits to take all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect the Information circulating on the Site and to ensure the security of personal data that it has collected, to prevent their disclosure to unauthorized third parties.

However, it is up to the User to implement all useful means to preserve the confidentiality of the Information transmitted and to assign them to private spaces.

Each User of the Site expressly commits:

Not to use software or processes intended to copy the Information from the Site without the express and prior authorization of the Publisher;

To expressly renounce using software or devices that could disrupt the proper functioning of the Site, or to engage in action that would impose a disproportionate burden on the infrastructures of the Publisher;

Not to alter or modify or even create derivative works from the Information of the Site without the express and prior consent of the Publisher;

Not to extract or reuse, even for private purposes, without written and prior authorization from the Publisher, a substantial or non-substantial part of the content of the databases and archives constituted by the Site;

Not to collect information on third parties, including email addresses, to use them for sending commercial solicitations or equivalents, or to integrate them within a referencing service or equivalent, free or paid, or to perform competitive intelligence;

To set up systems likely or of nature to hack the Site in whole or in part, or of nature to violate these GTU;

To inform the Publisher as soon as they become aware of any infringement whatsoever (especially to the intellectual property rights of the Publisher) in particular of any illicit or non-contractual use of the Information of the Site, regardless of the distribution method used.

The User who publishes a Contribution on the Site acknowledges being personally responsible, both towards third parties and the Publisher, in case of violation of applicable legislative or regulatory provisions and guarantees the Publisher against any disturbance, claim, and eviction of any kind.

The User is responsible for preserving the confidentiality of the Contributions they publish on the Site.


For any questions related to the operation of the Site and the GTU, you can contact


The nullity, in whole or in part, of one or several provisions of these GTU, under a legislative or regulatory provision or a final judicial decision, does not entail the nullity of the other provisions or of the part of the provision not affected by nullity.


These GTU are subject to French law.

In case of disputes relating to the interpretation, validity, or execution of these GTU, the User and the Publisher agree to make their best efforts to settle the dispute amicably.

In the event that an amicable agreement cannot be reached, any potential dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of these GTU will be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts.

Personal Data Management

We inform you that the personal data concerning you are subject to computer processing under the responsibility of the Human Resources Department of the Rail Logistics Europe Group.

SNCF has appointed a data protection officer whose contact details are:

This processing is intended for the management of external recruitments of the Group (including the 5 Rail Logistics Europe Companies) and the improvement of our recruitment processes.

The treatment consists of several operations such as the management of candidate accounts, the management of applications, the management of evaluations, the development of studies and satisfaction surveys to improve our recruitment processes, and finally the conservation of recruitment data. The legal basis of the processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Rail Logistics Europe group (managing staff recruitment).

The recruitment data collected and processed are those you directly provide us with during the recruitment process. This may include interview reports and your evaluation results, written by our recruitment agencies.

During the account creation, application, or our evaluation tests, responses to questions marked with an asterisk are mandatory; without them, your application cannot be considered. Other questions are optional, however, a complete form optimizes the processing of your application.

These data are reserved for the use of the Group's personnel, temporary workers, or service providers authorized to participate in the Rail Logistics Europe recruitment process. In any case, they are not subject to any transfer to third parties.

Your data will be kept for a period of 2 years after your last application action. After this period, they will be archived for an additional 3 years to comply with the dispute period provided for in Article L1134-5 of the Labor Code.

Any person concerned by personal data processing has the right, within the limits and conditions provided by the regulations, to request access to their personal data, correction or deletion of these, limitation of the processing concerning them, as well as the right to define directives concerning the fate of their data after their death, the right to object to the processing of their data.

You can exercise this right by addressing an email to:

or by sending a handwritten letter to:

R4L – Human Resources Department – Rail 4 Logistics – 16 rue Simone Veil, 93 400 Saint Ouen Sur Seine

Whether your request is made by handwritten letter or email, it must necessarily include your surname, first name, and email address associated with the account to be deleted.

You can also consult or modify your data directly from your candidate account. In case of deletion, your data will be archived for a duration of 5 years in accordance with the dispute period provided for in Article L1134-5 of the Labor Code.

Furthermore, if you consider that the processing concerning you constitutes a violation of the regulation, you have the right to file a complaint with the CNIL or the control authority of the State where your usual residence, your place of work, or the place where the violation was committed is located.